iBwave Design Lite: Small to Medium Project In-Building Wireless Network Design


Created specifically for small to medium size projects, iBwave Design Lite is the most affordable way to simplify and accelerate your in-building wireless network design process. With dynamically calculated RF calculations, automatic Bill of Materials, on-screen error validation, 3D prediction capabilities and KPI compliance checks, iBwave Design Lite eliminates the manual steps of designing wireless networks so you can focus on the most important part – delivering high-quality networks that will impress your customers, win you more projects and grow your revenues.

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iBwave Design Screen

Reduce small project network design time

Automate the manual work of designing in-building wireless networks and save an estimated 30% or more off your design time.
  • Passive DAS and small cells
  • Dynamically calculated RF calculations
  • Automatic cable length measurements
  • Automatically generated accurate Bill of Materials
  • Over 40,000 network components to design with
iBwave Design Lite: Reduce network design time
iBwave Design Lite: Improve network quality

Improve network quality

Use the optional propagation module to ensure the quality of your network. Model the building on top of your floor plan and run propagation to predict the signal strength of your design on each floor.
  • Import walls from raster CAD files, PDF or images
  • Assign materials from materials database
  • Simultaneous multi-band propagation 3D prediction analysis
  • VPLE propagation model using environment density zones
  • COST 231 Multi Wall propagation model
  • Compliancy results based on user defined criteria
  • Customizable output map legends

Reduce capital expenditure

Over designing a network can be expensive. With iBwave Design Lite you can eliminate this risk by modeling your venue in detailed 3D and then simulating your network before it’s deployed to optimize hardware placement for the most cost-efficient design.
  • Venue modeling and 3D viewer
  • Automatic error-checking
  • On screen debug list
  • Network simulation
iBwave Design Lite: Reduce capital expenditure
iBwave Design Lite: Quickly generate reports

Quickly generate reports

Once your design is complete you can quickly generate your link budget, equipment lists and compliancy reports to ensure alignment with your customer’s network requirements and close out your project quickly.
  • Annotations report
  • Output maps
  • RF Survey
  • Equipment list
  • Link budget

Collaborate on projects more easier

Designing a network can be a big job with many different stakeholders involved. With iBwave Design Lite, you can easily collaborate with your customers, and your other team members with iBwave Viewer and seamless integration to iBwave Mobile and Unity.
iBwave Design Lite: Collaborate on projects easier

Elevate Network Design & Management in the Cloud with iBwave Unity


A closer look at the growing role of 4G/5G in the Enterprise.

Download eBook on Private Wireless Networks for Industrial Campus Sites
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Support services

We offer a full list of services such as building and environment modeling, creation and certification of components, and legacy project design conversion to the iBwave format.

Annual maintenance services

iBwave’s entire product suite is covered by an optional Annual Maintenance Service for full customer support, and access to updates and upgrades on all our products.