iBwave Public Safety: Wireless Network Design & Planning Software


iBwave’s Public Safety solution is the established standard to design reliable Public Safety networks with proper documentation while saving time and costs. Our software makes it easy to design and simulate network performance for greenfield or existing buildings, and accelerates the approval process with building owners and AHJs by presenting detailed standardized documentation. iBwave has the tools, training and support so you can design Public Safety Networks we all can count on.

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iBwave Design Screen

Concise and easy to understand!

A good RF Design should be concise and easy to understand. The more complicated the design, the more likely mistakes can be made by the installers. Finding a solution to a design problem and showing the complete impact of that solution are two different steps. The latter normally takes more time. iBwave gives an enormous amount of simplicity to these types of complex changes.
Javier Herrero, CEO
SmartRF Engineering

Delivered within record budget and timescales!

Without a doubt, iBwave spared us many hours of work. We not only built a network to support the 15,000 people that the stadium can accommodate but we also delivered it within record budget and timescales – within a third of the time when compared with conventional methods.
Peter Liseborg
Senior Net Planner for Telenor Denmark

Increased profitability!

I have been working with RF for 40 years and designing/installing BDA/DAS systems for 12 years prior to my TXRX Applications Engineering position. The algorithms in the iBwave software are excellent. It is a pleasure to work with and is very user-friendly. It would have saved my installation team a lot of time and increased profitability.
Paul Bertram
RF Applications Engineer II, TX RX Systems, Inc

Need to survey Public Safety networks?
Introducing a simple, lightweight and affordable way to survey Public Safety networks.

Seamlessly integrate with Epiq Solutions’ PRiSM™ scanner
  • Lightweight and low-visibility hand-held device that magnetically attaches to your phone or tablet to survey P25 networks.
  • Seamless integration to iBwave Mobile Survey for a simplified end-to-end survey and design experience.
  • Perform grid testing and generate automatic Pass/Fail reports to easily submit to AHJs for approval.
Seamlessly integrate with Epiq Solutions' PRiSM scanner

A recognized expertise you can count on

With more than 20 years experience, iBwave’s expertise in all things wireless is unparalleled. Along with industry-standard software, we are recognized for world-class support in 100+ countries, providing the industry’s most comprehensive components database and a well-established certification program with over 3,000 certified professionals around the globe.
  • Design reliable Public Safety networks using Active or Passive DAS on all public safety bands including P25, Tetra and FirstNet
  • Benefit from the most comprehensive component database on the market with over 40,000 components
  • We provide world-class training and certification programs to help you get the most out of your software
  • Unparalleled 24/5 support team with a 95%+ approval rating
iBwave Public Safety: A recognized expertise you can count on
iBwave Public Safety: Design reliable networks for mission critical applications

Design reliable networks for mission critical applications

Test the coverage and throughput of your network before it is deployed using our prediction engine proven and trusted by thousands of customers worldwide. Ensure your network’s availability by simulating traffic in critical and non-critical areas. Validate the performance compliance based on key requirements and prevent costly changes post installation.
  • Fast Ray Tracing, COST 231 and VPLE (quick design) propagation
  • Precise 3D coverage output maps (Downlink and Uplink RSSI, RSRP, AGC, Near-Far Effect)
  • Signal quality and data rate output maps (SNIR, RSRQ, MADR)
  • Smart Antenna Contouring to show live signal strength predictions
  • Body loss modeling for highly dense venues (stadium, arena, etc.)
  • LTE best server & hand-off matrix to optimize existing design for higher data rate
  • PIM calculations and EMF calculation and analysis
  • Compliance results based on user defined pass/fail criteria
  • Donor Antenna isolation validation
  • Critical/General Zone Identification

Deploy more sites faster and reduce your costs

Automate and simplify the design of your public safety networks to reduce your time to deployment. Eliminate the risk of over designing a network by modeling your venue in detailed 3D and simulating your network before it’s deployed to optimize hardware placement for the most cost-efficient design.
  • Detailed network diagrams with automated link budget calculations
  • Coax, CAT5 or Fiber cabling backhaul modeling
  • Customizable equipment cost and list of approved parts
  • Network validation and error checking
  • Automatic error-checking
  • On screen debug list
  • Network simulation
  • Streamlined work with advanced 3D modeling and customizable stencils
  • Free 3D viewer for your clients to accelerate the approval process
iBwave Public Safety: Deploy more sites faster and reduce your costs
iBwave Public Safety: Standardized reporting for faster approvals

Standardized network reporting for faster approvals

Once your design is complete you can quickly generate your link budget, equipment lists and compliancy reports to ensure performance criterias are met so you can get your project approved quickly.
  • View network design and performance in advanced 3D
  • Annotations, Output maps & Survey data reports
  • Equipment list & Cost Details reports
  • Link budget and horizontal link budget reports
  • Antennas report
  • Cable Routing & Cross-reference report
  • Version tracking to ensure design consistency across multiple projects
  • Compliance report

Integration with 3rd party collection tools

iBwave Public Safety integrates will all the major collection tools. This means you will spend less time manually transferring data between tools and more time leveraging RF measurements to deliver the most accurate and optimized designs for your customers.
  • Import RF measurements from most leading RF collection tool
  • Consider macro network using a given value, macro planning tool, or survey measurements
  • Calibrate the prediction model using CW field measurements
  • Survey measurement and prediction vs. measured reports
iBwave Public Safety: Integration with 3rd party collection tools
3rd Party Collection ToolsImport survey to iBwave Public Safety
using CSV format
Import IBWC files from
iBwave Public Safety
Accuver XCAL-Harmony
Accuver XCAL-Mobile
Anritsu MA8100A
Atec Wireless iMeasure
BVS Coyote
ComTel MicroDM
EXFO MobileXplorer
FalconSmart FalconKit
InCode WirelessPro
Keysight Nemo Analyze
Multiple Access Communications CatchAll-SE
Pctel SeeHawk
Rohde & Schwarz Qualipoc
Rohde & Schwarz Romes
STI Field Test 7
TNSS Smart App
TRX Systems NEON Signal Mapper
Verizon DataPRO DM
Verveba Tapas Auto
WirelessMetrix Link Master LML, ML8725A

Elevate Network Design & Management in the Cloud with iBwave Unity


Designing public safety networks? Then our newest quick reference poster is for you.

Download it today to benefit from having useful technical public safety technologies information right at your fingertips for quick reference as you work. From VHF and UHF bands to a technical comparison of public safety radio technologies, and more.

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Support services

We offer a full list of services such as building and environment modeling, creation and certification of components, and legacy project design conversion to the iBwave format.

Annual maintenance services

iBwave’s entire product suite is covered by an optional Annual Maintenance Service for full customer support, and access to updates and upgrades on all our products.