About this webinar

As you probably know, there are many terms used interchangeably within Wi‑Fi that often lead to confusion for both the industry and customers alike.

So let’s review the Wi‑Fi terms we use and when we use them. For example, isn’t it time to stop calling it a survey when we really mean design? And when we talk about survey, are we in the pre-deployment or the post-deployment stage? What about that oxymoron “predictive survey”? Should we just drop the term survey all together? I’m confused even while writing these questions.

Join Wi‑Fi expert Alan Blake as he talks about what Wi‑Fi surveying is, what Wi‑Fi design is and how we can better clarify the terminology confusion through each critical phase of the Wi‑Fi network design process.

Presented by:
Alan Blake , Certified Wireless Network Expert (CWNE® #129)

February 17, 2016