Case Study: How one of the largest package delivery & logistics companies in the world manages thousands of sites & Wi‑Fi networks using iBwave.

Our customer, one of the largest package delivery and logistics company in the world, approached us wondering how our Wi‑Fi network design solution could improve their existing process for designing, deploying and maintaining their many Wi‑Fi networks across thousands of facilities worldwide. This is a summary of the key challenges they wanted to solve, and how our powerful cloud-based solution, iBwave Design Suite, solved them.


1. Managing Thousands of Sites and Sharing Survey Information

With thousands of facilities and Wi‑Fi networks to manage worldwide, this customer wanted to know how iBwave could help them design, deploy and maintain their networks more efficient and cost-effectively. They especially wanted to know how iBwave could help them resolve one of their most significant issues: sharing network and site documentation for all facilities in a single location as the lack of access to site information was causing many time delays for site teams troubleshooting network issues.

By using the powerful combination of our site survey mobile app, iBwave Mobile Planner, and our cloud-based site management software iBwave Unity, this customer was able to equip their teams with a simple way to collect site survey data and documentation (measurements, photos, notes, preliminary designs) and then save it in a central repository in the cloud.

By using iBwave Unity + iBwave Mobile Planner app, technicians on-site at the facilities can now easily access previous design documentation and baseline survey measurements and have it at the tips of their fingers as they walk the site to troubleshoot poor performing areas of the network.



  • Site Surveys
  • Network Tests
  • Troubleshooting
  • Design/Redesign
  • Sharing Documentation

The iBwave Design Suite is an integrated solution of iBwave Mobile Planner, a mobile app for surveying and site documentation, iBwave Design, a powerful network design software for design optimization, and iBwave Unity, our cloud-based site management solution that acts as a single repository for all site documentation, providing a simple way to manage, share and access all site documentation in one place.

Collect Wi‑Fi & cellular measurements and capture site documentation



Optimize network design & run accurate 3D predictive network simulations



Easily generate network design, implementation & costing reports



Save & share survey & site documentation in the cloud for troubleshooting & future upgrades




2. Streamlining Site Surveys & Enabling Convergence

Because many of their larger facilities relied on the cellular network as well as the Wi‑Fi network for their apps, it was important for this customer to have insight into how the existing cellular network impacts their Wi‑Fi networks. Before iBwave, this requirement meant that they had to hire a third party with the right tools to complete a cellular survey, often leading to an expensive weeks-long process with many delays. It also meant there were multiple site walks for one facility.

In addition to enabling Wi‑Fi data collection, the iBwave survey mobile app, iBwave Mobile Planner, integrates with many of the leading cellular survey tools, allowing this customer to now collect both cellular network and Wi‑Fi network data themselves, in only one site walk. And with the integration to the cloud-based iBwave Unity, all data was now stored together in a single repository to be referenced during the design or future troubleshooting phases.

With no need to outsource the cellular survey, significant time and cost savings have been realized. A survey that may have taken weeks previously can now be done in days with all the data saved in the cloud for future reference.


When it comes to any type of wireless network design, if the design is not done well from the start, it can be expensive. Expensive to overspend on equipment that was not really needed, and expensive to troubleshoot post-installation. For this customer, the quality of the designs they were getting from their existing Wi‑Fi design tool, and the level of troubleshooting they had to perform post-installation, was proving to be a costly challenge. As was the over-designing of the networks – why add more Access Points if coverage and capacity can be maximized for less?

Both of these challenges are ultimately resolved by the powerful features and prediction capabilities in iBwave Design. With features like 3D modeling, inclined surface modeling, propagation through floors, and prediction calibration, the quality and prediction accuracy of the designs will improve significantly, resulting in optimized designs that will require substantially less time to troubleshoot post-installation

With no need to outsource the cellular survey, significant time and cost savings have been realized. A survey that may have taken weeks previously can now be done in days with all the data saved in the cloud for future reference.

The ability to gather both cellular and Wi‑Fi network data ourselves at the same time, in one tool without the help of a third party, is invaluable to us in terms of time, cost and documentation.
Senior WLAN Design & Support Engineer

By using the powerful solution of iBwave Unity + iBwave Mobile Planner and iBwave Design, this large Enterprise customer is now able to manage the thousands of sites across the world from a single location – resulting in higher-quality Wi‑Fi networks and less time and money spent troubleshooting them.