Press Release

iBwave Brings Network Design to Life with Augmented Reality

MONTREAL, QC, September 10, 2020 – iBwave is introducing Augmented Reality to the wireless network design lifecycle with the latest release of their iBwave Wi‑Fi® Mobile app.

Known for impressive 3D visualizations already included their software, iBwave and the CTCM innovation team decided to start looking at how Augmented Reality can be used to bring a new level of visualization into the software – and a new level of value to their customers.

“We’re always looking for ways to evolve our software and mobile apps to the next level. We first started looking at Augmented Reality a few years ago, but the technology was not quite there yet. With AR support more common in mobile devices now, and easier to work with from a development perspective, we started to experiment again and think we’ve come up with some pretty exciting features for our customers to try out.” says Ben Courchesne, Director Technology and Head of the CTCM Innovation Team.

The Augmented Reality beta features include the ability to see survey data interpolation, prediction heatmaps, and equipment locations all in Augmented Reality on-site at the building.

“Augmented Reality is an important step forward for us at iBwave. Innovation has always been at the heart of what we do, and we want to involve our customers early in the development process.” says Seth Roy, VP Product Line and Development.

“We want them to have the chance to experiment with the use cases and features we’ve come up with for AR so they can let us know if they add value – but we also want input on where else AR can be valuable in the design lifecycle. Early customer feedback is key for us here to see if we are on the right track. Hopefully, we are.”

The Augmented Reality features are available in the latest version of iBwave Wi‑Fi® Mobile and a free trial of the app and features can be downloaded here.

About iBwave

iBwave Solutions, the standard for converged indoor network planning is the power behind great in-building wireless experience, enabling billions of end users and devices to connect inside a wide range of venues. As the global industry reference, our software solutions allow for smarter planning, design and deployment of any project regardless of size, complexity or technology. Along with innovative software, we are recognized for world class support in 90 countries, industry’s most comprehensive components database and a well-established certification program. For more information visit:

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